MR Points Standing |


MR Points Standing

Ladies and gentlemen! The updated points standings are here and ready for you to have a look at!

Hint:  To find your name quicker on the PDF published, simply click and hold ‘control’ and ‘F’ ( ‘comand’ and ‘F’ on mac)  keys on your keyboard to activate the search function on your computer. 

Way to go, Steven Krejckant!! he is still holding on to 1st place for the men, and after the Traveler Beer 1/2, Erin Battis is still leading the women in total points!!

We would also love to congratulate everyone in the points chase for completing the Traveler Beer New England Half Marathon!

Get over to Facebook and let everyone know how you are doing!

You can get more info about the Millennium Running Points Chase HERE!!



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Hello Millennium

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Millennium Running is fueled by the passion of promoting healthy, enjoyable lifestyles. With over a dozen Signature road races and triathlons, a running specialty store, the Millennium Running Club, plus all-purpose timing and event services. 

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Millennium Running
138 Bedford Center Road
Bedford, NH 03110

Events: 603.488.1186
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