BIB LOOK-UP: NH 10 Miler 2014 -


BIB LOOK-UP: NH 10 Miler 2014

logo-2014 2014 MR NH 10 Miler
Auburn, NH
9:00 am Saturday, August 30, 2014

Click here for Relay bib# look-up!


                    BIB NUMBER LOOKUP - NH 10 Miler RELAY

Last Name      First Name  No.   Relay Team                      
============== =========== ===== ============================  
               Niebel        R50 Doittogether                 
ALANA          CULLINGTON    R77 The Cruising Culls           
ALPERIN        HOLLY         R40 Team Ava                     
Alperin        Todd          R40 Team Ava                     
ANTOSH         ANGELA        R53 Divas                        
BARTLETT       BREWSTER      R21 Team Believers               
Bartlett       Michele       R21 Team Believers               
BARTLETT       MICHELE       R22 TEam Believers               
Bartlett       Brewster      R22 TEam Believers               
BARTLETT       WARREN        R23 Beast Mode                   
Bateman        Kelly         R43 Kickin Asphalt               
BEAHM          RICHARD       R24 Quityerbellyachin            
Beck           Claudia       R12 Always Happy                 
BEDARD         SHAWNA        R66 Blazing Bedards              
Bedard         Matt          R66 Blazing Bedards              
BELLEROSE      ELISSA        R25 Trophy Wives                 
Bordner        Joanne        R13 The Derry Queens             
BOWEN          ALLISON       R18 Bowen/Jackson                
BROME          NANCY         R15 Sweetie Pies Athletic Team   
Brome          Jeannie       R65 SPAT 3                       
BROWN          JENNIFER       R9                              
Brown          Matthew       R60 Once Upon A Time             
Bryar          Danae         R63 Fluff & Buff                 
CAPO           REBECCA       R58 Capo Crusaders               
Capo           Dennis        R58 Capo Crusaders               
Caradonna      Lisa          R55 team determination           
CARMICHAEL     RICHARD        R5 WTF (Wheres the Finish)      
CARMICHAEL     Lisa           R5 WTF (Wheres the Finish)      
Cathy          Curley        R71 Shathy                       
Cecchernini    Stephanie     R39 Half Way There               
Charron        Darlene       R31 Spikes Girls                 
CHARRON        AARON         R32 Beer Bros                    
Chute          Erik          R49 Runny Buddies II             
CLIFFORD       ED            R63 Fluff & Buff                 
Conrad         Joe           R64 Team Burton and Utah         
Conroy         Holly         R25 Trophy Wives                 
Cummings       Allison       R37 HPD                          
Daniel         DeLorenzo     R70 Fracus Attackus              
DANIELLE       CLOUGH        R75 DAMATT                       
DAVID          BROWN         R74 One Ghost                    
DELANEY        JOSEPH        R42 Here for the Beer            
Delaney        Joe           R42 Here for the Beer            
Descoteaux     Robin         R48 Girls Gone Running           
DesRoches      Michelle      R59 We are Titanium              
DINOVO         RICHARD       R65 SPAT 2                       
DUHAIME        SARAH         R27 Team Duhaime                 
Duhaime        Marc          R27 Team Duhaime                 
Durfey         Jane          R29 Slow n Steady                
EGAN           CHRISTINE     R10                              
ELDER          AMY           R62 Sisters                      
FALARDEAU      MARK          R26 Filly & Clyde                
Falardeau      Colleen       R26 Filly & Clyde                
Falkenstein    Nancy         R15 Sweetie Pies Athletic Team   
FELTON         JIM            R7 DOUBLE TROUBLE               
FELTON         BETTI          R7 DOUBLE TROUBLE               
Ferreira       Sue           R53 Divas                        
FINN           JOAN          R55 team determination           
Flanders       George        R32 Beer Bros                    
FREEMAN        SCOTT         R16 Team Runny Buddies           
Friedman       Merrill       R62 Sisters                      
GERRISH        DEBRA         R48 Girls Gone Running           
GILBERT        JOHN          R61 The 50 Year Storm            
Gray           Carrie Ann    R44 Argo!                        
Greg           Goupil        R68 Groups young & old           
GRENIER        JILLIAN       R57 Sunshine                     
Haerinck       Becky         R16 Team Runny Buddies           
HARRINGTON     KATHY         R28 The Kraken                   
Harrington     Kara          R28 The Kraken                   
HARTNETT       CALLIE        R60 Once Upon A Time             
HASKELL        NANCY         R59 We are Titanium              
HEBERT         KATHRYN       R29 Slow n Steady                
HORGAN         KATHRYN       R11 League of Justice            
Horgan         Jennifer      R11 League of Justice            
HOSKINS        CHRIS         R64 Team Burton and Utah         
HUDSON         WENDY          R8 TEAM PEWE                    
HUTCHINSON     MAKAYLA       R19 Team Hutch                   
Hutchinson     Melanie       R19 Team Hutch                   
Jackson        Laura         R18 Bowen/Jackson                
Jamie          Staton        R74 One Ghost                    
JEFFREY        LEBEL         R67 Sunday Stroll                
JIM            LORD          R72 Lord Pickle                  
Jones          Christina     R56 Slow & Steady                
KAPISE         KIMBERLY      R50 Doittogether                 
Karalyn        Von Pichl     R72 Lord Pickle                  
KEELEY         LAURA         R34 Krushing Keeleys             
KEELEY         Jim           R34 Krushing Keeleys             
KELLY          ASCHBRENNER   R76 Training Run                 
KERRY          BRONSON       R69 XXX                          
KIRKWOOD       DEB           R37 HPD                          
Kwasnik        Karrah        R36 J/K                          
LAPSLEY        MICHAEL       R17 PM Express                   
Lieske         Paulena       R17 PM Express                   
LINDSEY        DELORENZO     R70 Fracus Attackus              
Lisa           Klasman       R76 Training Run                 
LOGUE          PETE           R8 TEAM PEWE                    
LYDDY          DENISE        R14 Lyddy Ladies                 
Lyddy          Ashton        R14 Lyddy Ladies                 
Madeline       Wrable        R73 Webber-Wrable                
Magnan         Tiffany       R41 MAG-AX                       
MARTINEZ       APRIL         R38 Jalapeno On A Stick          
Martinez       Librado       R38 Jalapeno On A Stick          
MATT           WEBBER        R73 Webber-Wrable                
Matt           Reed          R75 DAMATT                       
MCKEON         NOELLE        R56 Slow & Steady                
MELANIE        MAGNAN        R79 Go PatsVille                 
Melissa        Pike          R67 Sunday Stroll                
MIGNAULT       RAY            R6 THUNDER AND LIGHTNING        
MOLLOY         ASHLEY        R35 Twos Company                 
MORETON        DAVID         R44 Argo!                        
OWENS          KARLA         R47 Owens                        
Owens          MIchael       R47 Owens                        
Palangas       Jane          R24 Quityerbellyachin            
PAQUIN         TINA          R13 The Derry Queens             
Piccolo        Danielle      R35 Twos Company                 
PIERCE         LORI ANN      R10                              
Porter         Gail          R46 Radio Flyers                 
QUIGLEY        KELLEY        R49 Runny Buddies II             
Rachel         Cullington    R77 The Cruising Culls           
RAYMOND        ANGELA        R31 Spikes Girls                 
Rios           Luis          R54 Rockin Dudes                 
ROUSSEAU       LYNN          R52 Vandelay Industries          
Rousseau       Craig         R52 Vandelay Industries          
Roy            Sheila        R57 Sunshine                     
Roy            Scott         R61 The 50 Year Storm            
Sanborn        John          R23 Beast Mode                   
SCANLON        CLAIRE        R30                              
scipione       Kelly         R30                              
SHELLEY        BISSON        R71 Shathy                       
SPANGLER       KERRY         R54 Rockin Dudes                 
Stabell        Heidi         R51 Upton/Stabell                
STEVE          GOUPIL        R68 Groups young & old           
STEVENS        PAULA         R12 Always Happy                 
Thomas         Aicardi       R79 Go PatsVille                 
TOWLE          DENNIS        R20 GOT2RUN2                     
Towle          Laura         R20 GOT2RUN3                     
TRIMMER        JACQUELINE    R36 J/K                          
TRUAX          NICHOLE       R41 MAG-AX                       
UPTON          SHEILA        R51 Upton/Stabell                
UX             LINDSAY       R39 Half Way There               
WALKER         ERIN          R43 Kickin Asphalt               
WARDNER        KRISTIN       R46 Radio Flyers                 
WHITE          MELANIE       R33 10=msquared                  
white          Matt          R33 10=msquared                  
WILLIAM        DION           R6 THUNDER AND LIGHTNING        

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