Press Release: Veterans Count Named As Official Charity for 2017 Manchester City Marathon, powered by SNHU
For Immediate Release
October 12, 2017
Bedford, NH – Manchester Marathon Association president, Larry Gagnon and Millennium Running owner & founder, John Mortimer, announced today that Veterans Count is this year’s official charity for the Manchester City Marathon, powered by SNHU on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
As the official charity, Veterans Count, which supports military veterans and their families, will receive charitable donations directly from the event proceeds. The organization will be supporting the event operations by having volunteers serving as course marshals. Moreover, Veterans Count will be the recipient of the newly launched participant peer-to-peer fundraising program.
“Veterans and their families have made the most significant investment of their lives and of sacrifice to our country. The Manchester Marathon Association acknowledges and supports our Veterans through the Manchester City Marathon Events,” stated Gagnon. “We look to never forget and we will strive to have the marathon support and benefit them through our relationship with Veterans Count.”
Historically in the 11-year history of the Manchester City Marathon, the date has been the first Sunday in November; however, with the adoption of Veterans Count, it has moved 1 week later in the year to fall on Veteran’s weekend.
“Part of our mission at Millennium Running is to support our local community through our charitable efforts and I cannot think a better group to support than our Veterans”, stated Mortimer. “The entire event will take on greater significance for the participants, spectators, volunteers, beneficiaries, and City of Manchester.”
On Saturday, November 11th, the Southern New Hampshire campus will host a Pre-Race Expo all day, the Penmen for Patriots 5k at 3pm, and Past Dinner at 5:30pm. Meanwhile the Veteran’s Parade will step off a 10:30am in Downtown, Manchester. On Sunday, November 12th at 8:50am, an expected 2,000 athletes will run the marathon, half marathon or relay in the 11th annual Manchester City Marathon, powered by SNHU.
“Veterans Count is honored to partner with the Manchester Marathon Association and Millennium Running with this unique and ongoing opportunity,” said Joe Emmons, Senior VP of Development. “The passion and support of organizations like these us to continue to provide services and resources to NH veterans and their families.”
Online registration is currently open for the Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, and 5k at
For more information, contact Millennium Running at
About Millennium Running. Founded in 2011 by John Mortimer, Millennium Running has quickly grown into New Hampshire’s largest road race company with over 66,000 participants finishing its’ signature events, managed events and timed events, annually. Since 2011, Millennium has distributed nearly $500,000 to local organizations and non-profits from event proceeds. In March of 2016, Millennium expanded with a Running Specialty Store located in its’ headquarters in Bedford, NH.
About the Manchester City Marathon and Association. In 2007, the Manchester City Marathon and related events was established by the Manchester Marathon Association, a group of spirited and dedicated volunteers, with the goals of bringing health and fitness events to the greater Manchester area, and donating event proceeds to local non-profits organizations. In 2016, the non-profit partnered with Millennium Running as an operating partner and secured Southern New Hampshire University as a sponsor to take the event to the next level. Located in southern New Hampshire, the Manchester City Marathon, a Boston Marathon Qualifier, encompasses the many scenic and historical sites of the area, including running along and over the picturesque Merrimack River and through the world renown historic Millyard. Just 45 minutes from Boston, the city offers visitors an array of accommodations and dining, as well as activities that the whole family can enjoy!