Rhythmic Movement Helps With Mood
I know you will be happy to hear that rhythmic movement helps with mood, longevity and CRP (C-reactive protein). Well at least I was excited. Recently I started listening to an audiobook by Mark Liponis, MD called Ultra Longevity. The chapter discussion in regarding proper breathing techniques and exercise impact on our immune system. In these discussions he points out the benefit of jogging on mood, music on happiness and the especially rhythmic movement of partners.
The exercise for a week of two and a half hours has proven to benefit men and women equally independent of age, ethnicity or weight. Now that is a simple statement which is an obtainable target for anyone. Get out and walk, cycle, jog, swim or dance for an average of 21.5 minutes per day. I find it interesting how we continue to read and hear about the benefits of movement, but this discussion really goes deeply into the medical benefits putting it into basic terms. I don’t expect that everyone is going to run out and buy the book or download the audio version, but do go out and put some great music on your iPhone, iPod, MP3 or other device and have a blast moving your body.